Dimension Breach

large black and white painting in a living room space

‘Dimension Breach’
is a spectacular modern art painting created with black, white and cream paints

160cm x 130cm (63″ x 51″)


details of black and white paints on canvas
large black and white abstract painting
details of black and white paints on canvas

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It’s big, it’s black and it’s white

This is a large abstract painting created with black and white paint (with the addition of a little cream). I like to challenge myself with these two colours now and again and feel like it’s a big achievement when I create something that’s bold and powerful, as well as the paintings at the quieter and more considered end of the spectrum

With Dimension Breach we have the huge big rip along the diagonal that features most of the paintings’ details and drama. However, the surrounding space is also a part of the painting tat has hidden treasures. It’s impossible to show on a photograph but an up-close examination reveals craters and rivers of paint that catch and reflect light in some very unexpected ways. So, the thing you think of as being empty space is not actually empty at all.

The main event

It is, perhaps, the main black paint movements that catch and retain the attention of your eye and so it should be. Not only do you get sharp contrasts between the two tones but also an intoxicating plethora of interwoven shades that traverse the two.

From cold steel grey to light mushroom – there are shades and gradients galore in here. Much of that is down to the subtle inclusion of cream; it adds a warm twist to the palette of black and white. This is how I can get some of the broader range of tones to appear.

For me though, it is the astonishing level of detail that really appeals. I have used a series of chemicals to tease out these structures and, when used in certain combinations, they produce the most insane results.

large black and white art

An expression for life

Black and white is a very universal constant. It’s a combination that can go anywhere, project and mood and be exactly what you want it to be. This abstract painting should be enjoyed as a singular expression of form and contrast and a big old middle finger to the people in your life who play it safe all their lives.

One day your heart will stop beating. That’s it mate, game over. So what will you do between now and then to enjoy the days you have been given? Family, holidays, peace, fun, love? Whatever you have on your agenda and wherever you may rest your head each night you need to have something like this in your life to remind you why all that other stuff is so important.

details of black and white paints on canvas
Dimension Breach by Swarez Art
details of black and white paints on canvas

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