Elemental Spirit

large painting on a wall

‘Elemental Spirit’
is a brilliant new concept artwork featuring a series of colourful, energetic forms

200cm x 110cm (78″ x 43″)


details of abstract art
dancing coloured paint shapes

Rent for £95 pcm

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A new chapter

This new abstract painting is something of a new concept for me. I’ve painted the component forms in similar ways before but never put them together into the same piece.

So, I am breaking new ground with Elemental Spirit and I have to say that I simply couldn’t be more happy with the result. What we have here is an original painting that combines elements of dark and light whilst also celebrating the carefree nature of colour and shape.

Not only is the size and shape very pleasing but the balance between light and dark is absolutely perfect. I achieved this delicate balance by deciding (beforehand) where my horizon should be. It’s the point where black and white meet and is one of the determining factors in the success of the whole piece.

Setting boundaries

Defining this boundary point means I can work out how to place the coloured elements and do so with great accuracy. From the horizon I can dictate the height and spread of the forms and how far they radiate out into the white and the black parts.

Obtaining a fluid and carefree application method is critical as it enables me to be fairly loose with my wrist actions. This in turn enables me to move paint in a controlled, yet organic way as I scoop up and place down multiple colours at once.

It’s this principle that’s key because what I am also doing is mixing with the black and white that I have pooled to the horizon point from the edges. So, in effect, I move the coloured elements as well as black and white – this results in some areas that get mixed and some that don’t, depending on whether black or white is present underneath.

Elemental Spirit by Swarez Art

Worth the effort

So you can see that the technique is a multi-layered approach and one that uses precise hand pressure to asses what volumes of paint need moving and to where. It has taken a bit of practice to perfect but is absolutely worth it!

The result of all this process and practice is an abstract painting that is light and easy to look at. It’s never too light and never too dark and has such an array of exquisitely blended colours that you can’t fail to be uplifted in spirit when you gaze upon it.

It really is a new chapter in my creative journey and a snapshot of me at the top of my game.

Elemental Spirit detailed view
grey sofa and black and white art above
maroon paint splashes

Let’s talk…

Drop me a line and I will get back to you as soon as is humanly possible!
Prefer a call? Great, we can have a quick chat about the painting and how easy it is to view

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