Peripheral Vision

rectangular original art in dining room

‘Peripheral Vision’
is a rectangular painting created with an ocean-inspired series of colours

225cm x 80cm (89″ x 31″)


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orange and blue green paint on canvas
modern art in aqua turquoise
swirls of blue paint on a painting

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Colours and details

Peripheral Vision is a rectangular modern art painting created with a series a series of primary colours made up of blue, aqua and copper. Added to this is a small complimentary palette featuring orange, purple red and lilac.

It’s worth pointing out from the start that this is quite an extraordinary work of art. I class it in those terms because of the sheer wealth and number of details contained within it. A quick scroll through the photos on the page will show you exactly what I mean by that. Now, as you may already know, I am something of a detail freak and insist on packing in the small stuff on all levels. This painting, though, should probably get the Oscar for ‘Most Detailed’..!

If you take just one of the close-up shots and choose to zoom in it reveals yet another hidden world of shape and texture. It’s really quite an experience to stand in front of.

An ocean-inspired theme

There is always a plan behind every painting otherwise things go wrong very quickly. So, with Peripheral Vision, I set out to use a series of colours that reminded me of the oceans. I am fascinated by them and take great pleasure in consuming knowledge about them wherever I can.

To that end i got the blues and turquoises out and began constructing the painting. Of course, it’s not all about the colour choices, the way in which they are weaved together is the important bit that brings all the other stuff together.

So here I went for whole spectrum of themes – waves crashing, giant swells, coral reefs, the ocean floor and all manner of other related subject matter. The result is something pretty spectacular but almost impossible to photograph effectively. If this is of interest enough for you to wonder more about that then please drop me a line and come and see it – the depth and breadth of colour and tone is breathtaking.

turquoise and blue modern art
purple and orange paint
Peripheral Vision art by Swarez
details of Peripheral Vision art

Let’s talk…

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