
gold and aqua turquoise painting

features a brand new technique designed to create a series of halos

160cm x 160cm (63″ x 63″)


details of Eververse by Swarez
aquamarine and gold and blue large painting
spots of paint on canvas

About this new technique

Eververse is a large sized, square painting that features a turquoise aqua colour fused with metallic gold and white for the background layer and a unique ‘halo’ style of paint application on top. This is only the second time I have managed to crate a halo painting (the first being The Space in Between) and is the first to feature a complete halo in the centre.

The process is pretty complex and requires the use of a custom built spin machine that operates via a remote control and sits in the centre of the canvas. From here I attached a round platform from which I applied and then spun off the relevant paints.

I have to keep control of the paint thickness and quantity per spin and also the rotational speed and duration to get the halos to be in just the right places. There is a remarkably large amount of variables to juggle at any one point in time so if you think this kind of thing is easy, think again.

Making the big from the small

The result of this innovation and thought is a rewardingly tactile painting that sees the build up of paint form into textures you can see and touch. These features catch and reflect light in some fantastic ways. The combination of balancing the variables I talk about has resulted in a deliciously complex painting that begs you to look at it more closely. And in doing so you are never disappointed.

One look at the delicate way in which the halos are constructed tells you all you need to know about how exciting this new technique is. These symmetrical, perfect looking circles are actually made up from thousands of tiny paint splats. Each one finding its place among the rest and each one contributing to the overall painting.

Physics and stuff

This is a wonderful example of using the power of physics and mathematical randomness to predict the behavior’s of a specific material. That’s not to say i don’t have a say in what’s going on because of course I do! My point is to suggest that I am guiding the physics into a place I am comfortable with. When that goes right you get this.

Ultimately though, this is still a painting and I am the creator. So it’s always sensible to judge it on whether this is something you like to look at or not. if you do then you at least have a little context behind it now to help you enjoy it that little bit more.

Eververse original abstract art by Swarez
aqua turquoise paint on canvas
halo circle abstract art
dots of paint on canvas